Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Adult Folk Group
First Reconciliation Celebration

DATE: 11 November 2000; 10:30 AM
We are set free from our sins and
brought into the light of Jesus
ENTRANCE: God is Rich in Mercy

(no particular order)

Remember Your Love, #881
Hosea, #386
Like a Shepherd, #325
Now in this Banquet, #833
The Lord is My Shepherd
Shepherd Me, O God, #31
Taste and See, #837
We Remember, #593
Prayer of St. Francis, #726
Ashes, #883
You Are The Voice, #549
Seek Ye First, #615
Be With Me, #85
RECESSIONAL: Celebrate God

NOTE:  The Individual Confession songs above are in no particular order.
               We will choose the list and order of songs when we get there on
               Saturday and practice them.