Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Adult Folk Group
9:00 AM Mass Celebration
Cycle B

DATE: 23 March 2003
THEME: 3rd Sunday of Lent
WARM-UP: Three Rusty Nails
ENTRANCE: Blest Be the Lord, GC#617, vs. 1&2
KYRIE: Mass of Light, GC#185
RESPONSE: Ps. 19: Lord, You Have the Words,GC#27
GOSPEL ACCL.: Mass of Light, GC#188
PREPARATION: Eye Has Not Seen,GC#638
HOLY: Mass of Light, GC#190
MEM. ACCL.: Mass of Light, GC#192
AMEN: Mass of Light, GC#194
LAMB OF GOD: Mass of Light, GC#195
COMMUNION: One Bread, One Body, GC#830

Celebrant = Fr. Jarboe

Exodus 20: 1-3, 7, 8, 12-17
Ps. 19: 7-10
1 Corinthians 1: 22-25
John 2: 13-22