Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Adult Folk Group
9:00 AM Mass Celebration
Cycle B

DATE: 12 October 2003
THEME: 28 Ordinary
ENTRANCE: Canticle of the Sun, GC#496
GLORIA: Mass of Creation, GC#157
RESPONSE: Ps 23: Shepherd Me, O God, GC#31
GOSPEL ACCL.: Mass of Creation, GC#160
PREPARATION: Eye Has Not Seen, GC#638
HOLY: Mass of Creation, GC#166
MEM. ACCL.: Mass of Creation, GC#167A
AMEN: Mass of Creation, GC#168
LAMB OF GOD: Mass of Creation, GC#171
COMMUNION: All That We Have, GC#601

Celebrant = Fr. Jarboe

Wisdom 7: 7-11
Ps. 90: 12-17
Hebrews 4: 12-13
Mark 10: 17-27