Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Adult Folk Group
10:30 AM Mass Celebration
Cycle C

DATE: 30 May 2004
THEME: Pentecost
ENTRANCE: Spirit is A Movin'
SPRINKLING: Song Over the Waters, #585
GLORIA: Mass of Creation, #157
RESPONSE: Ps. 104, Lord, Send Out Your Spirit, #101, vs. 1 & 3
PREPARATION: We Have Been Told, #699
HOLY: Mass of Remembrance, #201
MEM. ACCL.: Mass of Remembrance, #203
AMEN: Mass of Remembrance, #206
LAMB OF GOD: Mass of Remembrance, #207
COMMUNION: One Bread, One Body, #830
RECESSIONAL: Send Down the Fire, #466, vs. 1 & 4

Celebrant = Fr.

Acts 2: 1-11
Ps. 104: 1, 24, 30, 31
1 Corinthians 12: 4-7, 12, 13
John 20: 19-23