Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Adult Folk Group
9:00 AM Mass Celebration
Cycle B

DATE: 5 March 2006
THEME: 1 Lent
WARM-UP: Three Rusty Nails, then teach Kyrie #196
ENTRANCE: Instrumental, Kyrie #196
KYRIE: Mass of Remembrance, #196
RESPONSE: Ps. 25 - To You, O Lord, #36, vs. 1-3
GOSPEL ACCL.: Mass of Light (LENT), #188
PREPARATION: Be With Me, Lord, #85, vs. 1-3
HOLY: Mass of Light, #190
MEM. ACCL.: Mass of Light, #192
AMEN: Mass of Light, #194
LAMB OF GOD: Mass of Light, #195
COMMUNION: Without Seeing You, #844, vs. 1-4
RECESSIONAL: Though the Mountains May Fall, #602, vs. 1&2


Celebrant = Fr. Jarboe

Genesis 9: 8-15
Psalm 25: 4-7
1 Peter 3: 18-22
Mark 1: 12-15