DATE: 13 May 2012
THEME: 6 Easter - Mother's Day
PROCESSION: Hail Mary: Gentle Woman, #782
ENTRANCE: Sing a New Song, #537, vs. 1 & 2
GLORIA: Mass of Light
RESPONSE: Ps. 98 - All the Ends of the Earth, #95, vs. 1 & 2
GOSPEL ACCL.: Mass of Light
PREPARATION: Song Over the Waters, #585, vs. 1 - 3
HOLY: Mass of Light
MEM. ACCL.: Mass of Light - We Proclaim Your Death
AMEN: Mass of Light
LAMB OF GOD: Mass of Light
COMMUNION: One Bread, One Body, #830
RECESSIONAL: All the Ends of the Earth, #520, vs. 1 & 2
Celebrant = Fr.

First Reading: Acts 10:25-48
Psalm 98:1-4
Second Reading: 1 John 4:7-10
Gospel: John 15:9-17