DATE: 2 April 2017
THEME: 5 Lent
ENTRANCE: Kyrie Instrumental
KYRIE: Mass of Remembrance, vs. 1 & 2
RESPONSE: Ps. 103, The Lord is Kind and Merciful, #100
GOSPEL ACCL.: Mass of Remembrance (Lenten Version)
PREPARATION: Behold the Wood, #420
HOLY: Mass of Remembrance
MEM. ACCL.: Mass of Remembrance
AMEN: Mass of Remembrance
LAMB OF GOD: Mass of Remembrance
COMMUNION: I Am the Bread of Life, #828
RECESSIONAL: I Am the Resurrection, vs. 1 & 3

First Reading: Ezekial 37:12-14
Psalm 130:1-8
Second Reading: Romans 8:8-11
Gospel: John 11:1-45